We’ve all heard the familiar phrase “Keep Vermont Weird,” and are so accustomed to the perennial call for exercise and getting outdoors that New Year’s resolutions usher in like clockwork. This New Year let’s change it up a bit and merge Vermont’s eccentricities as a resolution to combat boredom, blues and isolation that the dark months can bring.

Beyond the typical advice that we hear for New Year’s resolutions and wellness of moving more and getting outside, here are some less conventional ways to enjoy the dark and cold months in Vermont. Embrace small moments, read up on Hygge, gather for random occasions, and stay active in mind, body, and spirit.
Host a Tea Sachet swap
Try cooking or ordering new cuisine
Car dance, if you’re a passenger!
Postcards to old (or new) friends
Try chair yoga
Wordle solo or with a friend!
Learn new Tech Skills. Visit Seniorplanet.org.
Skim the events, go to one!
Weekly Coffee Club; Virtual or with friends at your favorite local coffee shop.
Garden indoors. For some great ideas visit MyGardenAndGreenhouse.com.
Contra anyone?
Pool & Spa Day! Treat yourself & relax with friends.
Open mic night, or karaoke at home with friends & family!
Join the 251 Club of Vermont. Visit VT251.com/events.
Learn something new. Visit Learn.uvm.edu/program/osher-lifelong-learning.
Find connectivity & fellowship at your local Senior Center.
Get Artsy and Volunteer with Art from The Heart. Visit Burlingtoncityarts.org.
Learn about Creative Aging & the Arts. Visit Vermontartscouncil.org/programs/creative-aging.
Explore Vermont’s Coziest Season. Visit VermontVacation.com/winter-festivals.
Laughter is the best medicine. Visit Vermontcomedyclub.com.
There’s joy and pride found in trying something new. You might also find a new friend or favorite hobby!
Alicia Fleming is the Owner of Golden Guide Senior Living Advisor and Golden Guide Real
Estate. Alicia is a native Vermonter and Senior Living Specialist currently residing in
Colchester with her husband, Frank and their yellow-lab, Willow. She can be contacted at 802.318.0441 and aliciafleming@goldenguidevt.com. Visit her website at GoldenGuideVT.com.
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