Cota’s Hospitality Home looked just as you might picture a mom-and-pop eldercare residence in rural Vermont. Residents of the modest farmhouse ou
Read MoreTake a break from the holiday rush for a bit of gardening relief. Grab a pruner and basket then wander through your landscape gathering a few evergr
Read MoreAARP is urging Congress to stop a tax increase on 4.4 million Americans with high healthcare costs. If Congress fails to act, Americans with hig
Read MoreHelping your children or grandchildren pay for a college is a great investment in your family. Why do you invest? For many people, here’s the answ
Read MoreSkiing is an integral part of Vermont’s identity, and rich history and eccentric characters are as much a part of the sport as the mountains and snow
Read MoreAs age increases, muscle mass and strength decreases. From age 50 muscle mass begins to decrease by 1-2% annually. In your 50s, muscle strength
Read MoreAARP today announced its endorsement of the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act (S. 151), legislation that would help reduce illegal and unwanted robocalls
Read MoreVermonters tend to be fiercely independent, and dedicated to community and tradition. These ideals define us as a population and seem to grow s
Read MoreThis Vermont program pays family and friends an hourly wage to care for senior citizens at home. Related Articles & Free Subscription
Read MoreIs it a scam or a legitimate fund raiser? As the holidays are here, so too are the unending emails, letters, and telephone calls soliciting dona
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