AARP Foundation Tax-Aide has kicked off volunteer recruitment for its Tax-Aide program, the nation’s largest volunteer-run tax-preparation service. The foundation is looking to expand its team of volunteers for the upcoming tax season and is accepting new volunteers immediately.
Tax-Aide offers free in-person tax preparation and assistance to low- and moderate-income individuals nationwide. Volunteers make a difference in their communities by helping taxpayers, and their families, who might otherwise miss out on the tax credits and deductions they’ve earned. There are a variety of volunteer roles, including tax preparers, client facilitators, technical and management assistance, and interpreters. Every level of experience is welcome and IRS training is provided.
Last year, some 200 Tax-Aide volunteers helped more than 5,000 Vermonters file their federal and state tax returns sites around the state — including senior centers, libraries, and other convenient locations. More than $5 million was refunded to Vermont taxpayers last year alone though the program.
Volunteers Needed
District Coordinators
- Provide support and direction to Local Coordinators in their district
- Relay information from the State Coordinator to Local Coordinators
- Ensures that AARP policies and procedures are followed
- Are not required to have experience in tax preparation
- Current openings:District 03 (Sites in Newport and Derby), District 05 (Sites in Montpelier, Waterbury, Northfield and Randolph)
Local Coordinators
- Establish the team of site volunteers and organize their shifts
- Make sure that volunteers are trained and certified as needed
- Provide support and direction to the various volunteer positions
- Communicate information from the District Coordinator
- Oversee the activities of the site and streamline its workflow
- Monitor for adherence to prescribed policies and procedures
- Make management decisions regarding any issues that may arise
- Knowledge of tax preparation is needed but is not a prerequisite.
- Current openings:Newport (Goodrich Library), Derby (Dailey Library)
Other Volunteers
- Appointment Makers: Take calls or answer emails from taxpayers
- Greeters/Facilitators: Help organize the taxpayer’s documents
- Document Scanners: Scan taxpayer documents for offsite processing
- Counselors: Prepare tax returns in-person or from the comfort of their home
- Quality Reviewers: Check the completed returns for accuracy
- Electronic Return Originators: E-file the completed returns
Openings statewide, but especially inBurke,Lyndonville,Hardwick, Greensboro,Craftsbury,andSt Johnsbury
Interested volunteers are encouraged to contact Connie Philleo here4now@sover.net or 802-866-9008.
To learn about our volunteer opportunities, visit Aarpfoundation.org/taxaide or call 888-687-2277. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is offered in coordination with the IRS.
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