Age Well announced today that it will be participating in the 20th annual March for Meals Campaign. This year March for Meals honors the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program, the federal legislation that helps to fund community-based programs like Meals on Wheels. Age Well joins the national Meals on Wheels network to raise awareness and rally support for this vital public-private partnership that has helped provide older Vermonters with an essential service needed to remain healthy and independent at home.
“Age Well’s Meals on Wheels program has experienced huge increases in the demand for our services in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties” said Jane Catton, Chief Executive Officer of Age Well “We have been in awe of the outpouring of support, and there’s still much we can do to ensure everyone in need of our vital lifeline can benefit from being well-nourished and more connected to our community through this challenging time and beyond.”
This year, Meals on Wheels programs from across the country are joining forces to celebrate 50 years of success and garner the support needed to ensure these critical programs can continue to address food insecurity and malnutrition, combat social isolation, enable independence, and improve health for years to come.
“The Older Americans Act Nutrition Program is the only federally supported program designed to be an antidote for both senior hunger and isolation,” said Ellie Hollander, President and CEO of Meals on Wheels America. “Despite decades of proven success and bipartisan support, funding for this program has failed to keep pace with the rapidly growing need for its services. With the nation’s senior population increasing dramatically, now is the time to support local Meals on Wheels programs – through volunteering, donating and speaking out – to ensure we are able to deliver for another 50 years.”
Too many older Vermonters are left behind, alone, and hungry, struggling to stay independent and healthy. In 2022: 13,000 are living in poverty, 42,180 are isolated and living alone and 17,000 are threatened by hunger. As the largest Meals on Wheels provider in Vermont, Age Well serves more than 300,000 meals each year, delivered by over 500 volunteers each day.
For more information on how you can volunteer or donate, please visit Agewellvt.org/MarchforMeals or call: 802-865-0363.
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