Age Well announced today that it will be participating in the 19th annual March for Meals– a month-long, nationwide celebration of Meal on Wheels and our aging neighbors who rely on this essential service to remain healthy and independent at home, now even more so amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“In the last year, Age Well’s Meals on Wheels program has experienced a 40% increase in the demand for our services in Addison, Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties” said Jane Catton, Chief Executive Officer of Age Well “We have been in awe of the outpouring of support, and there’s still much we can do to ensure everyone in need of our vital lifeline can benefit from being well-nourished and more connected to our community through this challenging time and beyond.”
The annual March for Meals celebration commemorates the historic day in March of 1972 when President Nixon signed into law a measure that amended the Older Americans Act of 1965 to include a national nutrition program for those 60 years and older. Since 2002, community-based Meals on Wheels programs from across the country have joined forces for the annual awareness campaign garner the support needed to fill the gap between those served and people still in need.
As the largest Meals on Wheels provider in Vermont, Age Well serves more than 225,000 meals each year, delivered by 400 volunteers each day.
For more information on how you can volunteer or donate visit or call 802-865-0363.
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