There’s nothing quite like enjoying something sweet, but consuming too much sugar can be devastating for your health. You hear a lot about the effe
Read MoreThe rising cost of prescription drugs is a problem that stings millions of Americans. While there’s no one solution, there are some different stra
Read MoreWhen it’s cold outside, and the weather is frightful, it can be truly delightful once in a while to hole up with a good book, a blanket and a cup of t
Read MoreDoctor Fitting Senior Female Patient With Hearing Aid Most Baby Boomers address their hearing with a series of simple questions. Can I hear my chil
Read MoreWhen was the last time you had your blood pressure checked? It was probably within the past year and most likely you can remember if it was high o
Read MoreImpress your guests with a garden, container and dinner table filled with tasty and colorful winning tomato varieties. Small-fruited varieties are
Read MoreIf you get depressed in the winter but feel better in spring and summer, you may indeed have seasonal affective disorder (or SAD), a wintertime de
Read MoreI want you to pause for a moment and think of that thing you needed or wanted to do this year—but it’s December and you still haven't gotten around
Read MoreAre you reading this on your phone, computer or another mobile device? Are you looking down, shoulders hunched, while doing so? If so, your postur
Read MoreMedicare’s coverage of dental care is extremely limited. It will not cover routine dental care including checkups, cleanings, or fillings, and it
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