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AARP is Accepting Community Action Grant Applications

As a way to encourage and support grassroots action to make Vermont communities more livable, AARP Vermont has expanded its Community Action Grants to communities across the state providing modest funding and technical support to community groups or individuals. The initiative is part an AARP Vermont initiative aimed at preparing Vermont cities and towns for the rapidly aging demographic shift – particularly in the areas of housing, mobility and community engagement. The deadline for applications is June 26, 2020.

The grant program is open to organizations and grassroots ad hoc groups and that are organized to make improvements in their neighborhood or the community and that meet all eligibility requirements. Proposals must include projects that incorporate one or more of the following:

  • Respond to food insecurity
  • Respond to the impacts of social isolation with socialization and the fostering of intergenerational community connections
  • Respond to increased need for technology and virtual meet-ups
  • Respond to affordable and accessible housing options
  • Respond to increased need for improved mobility, such as pedestrian, bike and bus infrastructure
  • Increase access for civic engagement
  • Increase community accessibility for disabled residents
  • Support the delivery of services to help older residents age in the setting of their choice

“The pandemic has heightened the importance of social networks and community support and services as key ingredients for community resilience,” said Kelly Stoddard Poor of AARP Vermont. “These sponsorships are intended to inspire and support grassroots groups that have a vision for their neighborhood or community and how it can be improved to the meet the needs of all residents. The program is open to grassroots groups and small non-profits across the state and project proposals should represent a desire to make change through local level activism and advocacy.”

Up to five (5) non-profits or ad hoc organizations groups will be selected in 2020 for grants ranging from $500-$2,000. Grants will be one-time funding for a 6-month period starting when the grant is awarded. The project will need to be completed within the same 6-month period. Grant projects will receive public recognition by AARP, including letters of support, as needed and appropriate to achieve their goals. Sponsored projects will receive public recognition through AARP, including letters of support, as needed to achieve their goals.

Applications and an RFP can be found online here or below. For more information contact Kelly Stoddard Poor at 802-951-1313 or

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