Age Well has resumed seeing clients at their offices located in Colchester and St. Albans. Case managers and information and assistance staff are currently seeing clients in their homes or in community settings. Appointments may be in-person, by telephone or online. To set up an appointment, please call Age Well’s helpline at 800-642-5119. Volunteers and Senior Companions have also resumed in-person visits.
Visitors to Age Well offices are required to wear a mask if unvaccinated. Age Well will continue to follow all State of Vermont orders and Department of Health guidance for serving older adults and the public. In the event there are changes to state orders Age Well will issue updated public information.
Age Well’s Colchester office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. The Colchester office is located at 875 Roosevelt Hwy, Ste. 210. The Franklin County office in St. Albans is open for walk-ins Monday’s, Wednesday’s, & Friday’s from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. The St. Albans office is located at 228 North Main St, St. Albans. Their Middlebury office is not currently open to the public. An announcement will be made when the Age Well Addison County office reopens.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Age Well continued to serve older Vermonters at even higher rates, including a 40% increase in Meals on Wheels participants. Age Well is grateful for our staff and to the 1,200 volunteers who continued to serve meals, made daily phone calls to older Vermonters and provided technical assistance as people stayed home and stayed safe.
Age Well is a nonprofit organization that has served Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle counties since 1974 as a member of Vermont’s Area Agencies on Aging. Age Well provides services and support to allow Older Adults to stay independent, and remain healthy at home, where they want to be. For more information call 800-642-5119 or visit Agewellvt.org.
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