For the 50+ crowd searching for a position, the good news is many employers are interested. With severe labor shortages, companies are looking to not only recruit but retain mature workers.
More than half of Northeast Delta Dental’s employees have been with the company for more than a decade. Here are some of the company’s benefits and qualities that appeal to their over-50 worker:
- Training: Experienced workers are eager to learn new skills and Northeast Delta Dental offers generous educational opportunities.
- Purpose-driven mission: Mature adults have mature priorities so the company’s commitment to giving back to its community is appealing.
- Employee engagement: 50+ workers appreciate that socialization leads to happiness. Northeast Delta Dental offers teambuilding initiatives and numerous other activities that promote interaction.
- Flexible schedules: For employees searching for a compromise to what early retirement would afford in terms of free time, the company offers flexible and hybrid schedules and/or remote working.
As the labor market shrinks due to early and planned retirements, mature workers interested in rejoining or staying in the workforce are now often in the driver’s seat and should consider their work priorities carefully. For more information visit NEDelta.com or our Facebook page.
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