Age Well staff and volunteers have been busy as ever providing wraparound services to help older adults in Northwestern Vermont age with confidence and dignity. Keep reading to learn more about some of Age Well’s free services provider to Vermonters 60 years of age and older.
Find us Tuesdays at Centennial Field

Take me out to the ball game! Tuesday nights, between June and August are Senior Nights at Centennial Field! Seniors 60 and over have the chance to purchase half-price, reserved tickets, and will receive a voucher for a drink with each senior ticket purchased.
In collaboration with MVP Health Care and the Vermont Lake Monsters, Age Well will be at Centennial Field during the Senior Night games. We hope to see you at a game, visit VermontLakeMonsters.com.
Caregivers Need Support Too
Being a caregiver can be challenging, exhausting, and rewarding work. We are in the business of making it less hard.
Tips for Caregivers
- Plan ahead
- Take one day at a time
- Accept help
- Get enough rest and nutrition
- Be good to yourself
- Learn about available resources
- Develop contingency plans
- Make YOUR health a priority
- Make time for leisure, rest, and relaxation
- Share your feelings with others
Dementia Respite Grant
The Dementia Respite program provides small grants to unpaid caregivers of individuals with irreversible dementia. The purpose of the grant is to help delay or prevent nursing home placement by offering support and relief to caregivers who care for their loved ones, including in-home services, adult day programs, or personal respite for the care provider.
Whether you are new to caregiving or looking for fresh resources, Age Well offers programs to help you manage the daily needs, including the Helpline at 800-642-5119, classes for caregivers, and downloadable resources.
Self-Neglect, Helping a Loved One
Have you noticed a sudden change in one of your loved ones over 60? Such as recent untidiness? Unwashed clothes? Poor hygiene? Do they seem to be confused or making unsafe decisions? They may be self-neglecting. Age Well is the designated agency in Northwestern Vermont to receive referrals for self-neglect. The following definitions are from the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) Self-Neglect Task Force:
Self-Neglect Definition
“The term ‘self-neglect’ means an adult’s inability, due to physical or mental impairment or diminished capacity, to perform essential self-care tasks including: (A) obtaining essential food, clothing, shelter, and medical care; (B) obtaining goods and services necessary to maintain physical health, mental health, or general safety; or (C) managing one’s own financial affairs. This definition excludes people who make a conscious and voluntary choice not to provide for certain basic needs as a matter of lifestyle, personal preference, or religious belief and who understand the consequences of their decision.”
Self-Determination Definition
“Self-determination is the power or ability to make decisions about one’s life without outside compulsion. This means that all older Vermonters have the right to direct their own lives as they age. Whatever services, supports and protections are offered, older Vermonters deserve dignity and respect, must be at the core of all decisions, and have the right to accept or refuse.”
Possible Causes of Self-Neglect
- Dementia
- Mental health disorders
- Medication
- Other medical condition
- Substance use
- Social Isolation
What Happens After a Referral for Self-Neglect?
Symptoms of self-neglect can be serious, so referrals for suspected self-neglect are prioritized, and assigned within one business day. Typically, self-neglect referrals are assigned to a Specialized Care and Service Coordinator, who will attempt to contact the individual right away to schedule a visit.
The Care and Service Coordinator will continue working with the client as long as the client continues to engage and there are unresolved goals or self-neglecting behaviors. The self-neglect assessment is completed at regular intervals, no less than annually.
Warning Signs of Self-Neglect
Self-neglect does not refer to someone who makes these lifestyle decisions and is able to understand the consequences of their actions. Rather, an individual who is unable to meet their basic needs because of physical or cognitive impairment.
- Sudden or recent behavioral changes
- No recent medical appointments or visits
- Poor hygiene
- Resistance to necessary care services
- Untreated wounds
- Weight loss
- Poor safety awareness
To make a referral for self-neglect, call the Helpline at Age Well at 800-642-5119.
Learn more about Age Well’s services, March for Meals, volunteering, and other ways to give back by calling the Helpline at 1-800-642-5119 or go online to AgeWellVT.org.
Be sure to view our new online events calendar which provides information on upcoming community meals, Tai Chi classes, trainings and more for older adults and their caregivers, visit AgeWellVT.org/events.
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