There are several different types of check-in services, along with some simple technology devices that can help keep older adults safe at home wh
Read MoreWelcome to Age Well’s Regular Feature in Vermont Maturity! It is officially Fall in Vermont! While I know we will all miss long summer days, there
Read MoreThere are three different types of senior-specific flu shots (you only need one) that the CDC is now recommending for people aged 65 and older. T
Read MoreThe cost of assisted living and nursing home care in the U.S is very expensive. According to the Genworth cost of care survey tool, the national
Read MoreElectric powered adult tricycles – also known as e-trikes – are a great cycling option for older adults with balance or stamina issues because th
Read MoreGetting an older parent some help at home to handle some of their day-to-day chores is a smart idea that can make a big difference in keeping them in
Read MoreOne afternoon a couple of months ago, my colleague stood up from his chair and declared “I need to stop for a minute and take my medicine.” He th
Read MoreAre you in charge of your personal destiny or is your fate determined by factors beyond your control? This is the question posed by psychologists
Read MoreYou’ve heard of chamomile, green, and iced tea, but have heard about full spectrum CBD teas? Different types of tea can have different effects on
Read MoreWelcome to Age Well’s regular feature in Vermont Maturity! Warm summer weather is here, and our staff and volunteers are visiting older Vermonters
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