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A Hobby Adds Excitement to Retired Life
Everyone can get stuck in a rut sometimes. It happened to me quite a bit when I was working for a living. I let my job get to me more than…
Helping Someone Give Up the Car Keys
Driving in old age can be controversial. Those who show proficiency can stay mobile and independent. Old age, by itself, is not a reason to stop driving, but there are certainly…
AARP Vermont Encourages Residents to Participate in Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
AARP Vermont today encouraged residents who are without access to high-speed internet, or struggling to afford it, to look into the recently launched Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program. The EBB is…
How Spiritual Practice Can Boost Senior Spirits
When the Covid pandemic hit, the senior community bore the brunt of the illness. People 60 and over were particularly vulnerable to the virus. That susceptibility led to lockdowns, and among…
Preparing for a Kitten
We recently got a kitten, which is of course the wrong way to phrase it. More accurately, a kitten recently got us. He came into a house of fools who were totally unprepared…